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For design and description, see https://www.wolai.com/zymbox/qsUPoFaTyy88NWHKrjFKtW

RISC-V Simulator Template

A template which enables you to write verilog-like C++ code.

How to use

Go to docs/help.md for more information.


We propose this template to better simulate the behavior of real hardware. That is, register's value will be updated in the next cycle after assigned, and wire's value will be updated with respect to the connected register or wire.

However, it's not easy to synchronize the values of registers and wires in C++ simulation, since user may forget to synchronize the value after a cycle is done.

Therefore, we purpose such a framework, which features automatic value synchronization, to help user to write the code in a safer way. Since the code is written in C++, IDE will have better code completion and highlight support (than Verilog), and user can debug the code with ease.

In addition, we provide a debug macro control to perform more runtime check to help user to debug the code.


  • We do not support Combination Circuit directly now. You may simulate that by simpling using normal integers as intermediate values, and arrange a good order to update the values.

  • We do no support signed types now.


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